Wednesday, January 10, 2007


The second hard drive (WD Raptor 150) for the RAID 0 array arrived yesterday!

I am in the process of benchmarking the drives to see what, if any, performance overhead is associated with the NVidia MediaShield RAID Chipset.

Right now I have the system drive connected to the RAID controller and the new drive formatted and empty on the standard Sil controller.

I am going to run the benchmark on both drives, then I'm going to re-install the OS on the two drives raided together and see what performance boost I get.

I will hopefully be able to fully resolve the ethernet issues this time around and fix my nvidia desktop manager that not longer works due to installing nTune!

I have sadly been unable to locate a OC utility that will give me a complete look at system temperatures. I think this might have somethign to do with the fact that there are two 570 MCP chips on the motherboard. So I'm going to have to wait on getting a full look at the versatility of the FX70


Anonymous said...

Nice blog, great to see someone getting their hands dirty with a real Quad FX rig.

Impressive, but I still think you;re crazy ;) All this effort when you can simply buy a quad-core Core 2 Intel chip and drop it into a standard motherboard / PC and get superior performance...


Anonymous said...

Well how is the system running? I am contemplating ordering my parts so i can have it ready when Vista ships...

Anonymous said...

i am still setting up my system and have been unable to find the raid setting in bios. the manual is pretty fuzzy...
i call it the pepsi challenge..


Anonymous said...

I've been assembling that very same system over the past several weeks,but keep on hitting the exact same problem you had as far as the ethernet ports as concerned,using Win XP 64....No aparent errors anywhere,and the hardware is properly recognized,but i still can't get access to the net no matter what i do....

Any ideas on how exactly you fixed that issue?....

Logan Greenlee said...

Howdy, I called today to get an RMA # from ASUS. Now that you say that you are having the problem as well it makes me think there is an issue with the 64-bit drivers but we'll know soon enough if that is the case. It's also possible that this board isn't that well made. Seems like a bit of a kludge to me :) I'll put a post up when I do the swap to let you know what happens.